T’ang En-p’u (1881-1961), his original name was Chao-p’u, later name was En-p’u, tzu Ch’i-chan, T’ien-ju, hao Yu-pai, the Red Swastika Society granted him the religious name Hao-han, his studio name was T’eng-hsiang Shih, he was a native of Hsinhui, Kwangtung province. He attained his chü-jen degree in the twenty ninth year of the Kuang-hsü reign (1903), and at the age of twenty seven he taught Chinese at the Liang-kwang kung-yeh hsüeh-t’ang. He held successive positions as compiler of the Bureau of Historia Ch’ing, and deputy secretary general of the army under Wu P’ei-fu (吳佩孚 1874-1939). He later retired to Hong Kong, and was recognized for his classical writings and rectitude. He was socially active amongst the prominent personages, his friendships included Liang Chi-chao (梁啓超 1873-1929), Huang Chieh (黃節 1873-1935), Lo Tun-jung (羅惇曧 1872-1924), Tseng Hsi-ching (曾習經 1867-1926), Chu Ju-chen (朱汝珍 1870-1942), Chiang K’ung-yin (江孔殷 1864-1952), Huang Pin-hung (黃賓虹 1865-1955), T’ang Ti (湯滌 1878-1948), Chiang Fang-chen (蔣方震 1882-1938), Ch’en Ching-ti (陳敬第 1876-1966), Chang Ch’i-huang (張其鍠 1877-1927), Hsiung Shih-li (熊十力 1885-1968) and many others. He considered himself a classical essayist, and was also acclaimed in Chinese medicine. His only published work is Wen-chang hsüeh (文章學 1961).